(Edgar Vincent)

Table of Contents

This page contains what appear to be (at least to me) miscellaneous ramblings. It is (mostly) an excuse for me to use Emacs and to help readers waste less time than I did.

Much like Lisp and (some of) Virginia Woolf's novels, it contains a lot of parentheses.

(Vaguely) Emacs-related articles

Emacs is a particularly competent text editor I very much enjoy. It is free software.

Multimedia-related articles

Bicycle-related articles

(Other pages and) contact


Figure 1: Corot, Camille. Page 12 du carnet de 75 pages (circa 1855). Musée Carnavalet, Paris. License: Creative Commons CC0. Source.

Index page
Last updated on 17 October 2024.
Created with Emacs and Org.
CSS: Carrara.
Page hosted on Sourcehut Pages.

Public inbox: ~e-v/edgar-vincent-public-inbox@lists.sr.ht
Personal email: e-v@posteo.net